Patient Forms

Download and complete the relevant form(s) then submit to Assessment & Therapy Associates.

For your convenience we have provided both PDF and .docx versions below


You can fax your form(s) toĀ (757) 296-2263Ā or send as an attachment using the secure email [email protected]

Medication Provider Form

If you have a psychiatric medication provider, please have them complete and return this form to us.Ā 

Download PDF Form

TherapistĀ Form

If you have a therapist, counselor, or coach, please have them complete and return this form to us.

Download PDF Form

Access .docx Forms

If you need either the medication form or the therapist form in a word document, please click below.

Access .docx Forms

Contact Us

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Contact  Assessment & Therapy Associates

Complete this form to contact Assessment & Therapy Associates.

We look forward to connecting with you soon!

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